Monday, November 5, 2012

Photoshop effects

In today's lesson I have been looking at the different types of effects that I can use on photo shop, I have taken one of my photos to do with my final idea and I have edited it using photo shop. I tried four different effects on this photo, these were glowing edges, plastic wrap, patchwork and ink outlines. The one I was looking at the most was the ink outlines as I can use that for my final idea as I will be able to use it to really bring out the lines and drawing that I will put in my final idea. I also thought about using the glowing edges in my final idea as I am contrasting New York and Egypt so the glowing effect can really bring out the City of New York. All of these affects could help me with my final idea in a way, so I will most likely use all of these affects in my final product to make my final product the best that it can be.

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