Monday, February 25, 2013

David Carson's Work (Oasis)

My second piece of work that I have done today is, I have taking a picture of the internet that reminds me of my memories and I have have edited this picture in David Carson's style. David Carson created the picture to do with the banana, so I have tried to create the same style of work but I have linked it to my memories.

Oasis Before:

Oasis after I edited it:

This is going to help me as I am going to use this style to help create a final image, as I am going to use the style and add it to my memories of Watford.

David Carson's Work (Banana)

In todays lesson I have been basing my work around David Carson's work. Firstly I have tried editing a bunch of bananas just like David Carson did, the reason I have been basng my work around David Carson is because his work relates to the brief that I am doing at the moment.

Banana before:

After I edited it:

Monday, February 11, 2013

True perfection has to be imperfect

In my graphic design lessons I have been working on my own work based around Neville Brody's work. this is the work i have produced so far:
 In this piece of work I still have to finish my work, i have to finish putting the rest of the little words around the outside and I may decide to put some more lyrics on them.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tear up the plans.

I have tried to recreate Nevil Brody's work:

This is my piece of work:

I have recreated the Nevil Brody work in photoshop. I found a font that looked just like Nevil Brody's work and then I wrote down all of the letters and then changed all the colours of the letters the the same colours that Nevil Brody used and then I just rubbed out the lines in the same place that he has done.